Bakelite radio, design radio, deco radio
Prix : Nous consulter
We have been collecting for 20 years and are at your disposal to share with you our experience and passion.
If you are looking for
a beautiful decorative radio or if you want to complete a collection, just visit our shop.
You will find:
- radios of each period, mains radios,
Early Wireless, battery radios, crystal radios and accessories,
- advertising posters
- literature from the past
- old televisions, telegraphs and old telephones.
If can't find what you are looking for in our stock, please feel free to send us your list of wanted items.
We also
buy machines, either per unit, in batch or complete collections.
Don't hesitate to contact us to discuss it.
Our goals:
- to give you
whole satisfaction and win your
- to share our
passion of these objects, witnesses of a time when Science and Art were linked in harmony.
We hope that you enjoy exploring our website
and would love to hear your comments about it.